HTML means Hypertext Markup Language. It is one of the major languages of the web.It is the language of the web. HTML is used to create pages that are displayed on the World Wide Web. Every website you see on the internet was written using a version of HTML.

It was first developed by Tim-berners Lee in 1992, without HTML a website will not work, it is the building block or foundation of the website as no text, image, or any form of information will be transferred as element through a website without it. HTML is a major web language along with CSS (cascading style sheets), CSS is used for styling (modifying appearance) the HTML. One could say that HTML is a completed building while CSS is the paint.

HTML is a Markup language and it works with the use of tags "<>".



CSS(Cascading style sheets) is the second major language of the web.  Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a styling language. It is the language used to style markup languages e.g HTML documents. CSS is an essential language in web development alongside HTML and JavaScript. CSS can be used to style HTML documents in three ways: inline, internal and external. The inline CSS is written on the particular HTML tag, styling a single HTML property. <ADD IMG> The internal CSS consist of the complete styling of a HTML document written in the HTML file. <ADD IMG> The External CSS is written completely in a .css file, with linking from the HTML file. External CSS is most recommended when coding because it makes your work cleaner and neater.